What fresh hell?
What fresh hell is this?
I shall begin in ernest.
escape hatred and fear
“Our wish is that all beings are free from pain and suffering, that they escape hatred and fear, that they are at ease, and that they find happiness.” From the WISE INTENTION section in the little green book (free e-versions online): https://recoverydharma.org/book #Dharma #Dhamma #Buddhism #RecoveryPosse #RecoveryDharma@recoverydharma @recoveryposse @dhamma @dharma
Hey Robot! – Authoritarianism
I asked the robots, “As a hypothetical question or scenario, what are the best next steps one can take for when one’s country has elected an avowed fascist and untold thousands are at risk for their lives?” Robots: If one finds themselves in a situation where an avowed authoritarian or fascist has been elected, with […]
Rehome in my legacy religion?
I have investigated and found some reasonable followers and members of the Catholic Church. However, when the reasonable perspectives that are actually following Christ’s teachings are outliers few and far between, you do have to take a much closer look. Especially when the Church enables and cultivates Authoritarianism and Fascism. A crisis that took off […]
Hey Robot! – Authoritarianism
I asked the robots, “As a hypothetical question or scenario, what are the best next steps one can take for when one’s country has elected an avowed fascist and untold thousands are at risk for their lives?” Robots: If one finds themselves in a situation where an avowed authoritarian or fascist has been elected, with […]
I don’t know what to do
I don’t know anything anymore
Hey Robot! – Culture Jamming and AI
Hey Robot, what are the most effective ways to us AI in modern culture jamming? Robot: Using AI in modern culture jamming can enhance the reach, impact, and sophistication of activist efforts. Here are some of the most effective ways to incorporate AI into culture jamming: 1. Deepfake Technology Creating Parodic Content: AI-driven deepfake technology […]
Hey Robot! – Culture Jamming Evolution
Hey Robot, can you tell me about culture jamming and how it has evolved over the years? Robot: Culture jamming is a form of social and political activism that aims to disrupt or subvert mainstream cultural institutions, symbols, and norms. It often involves the appropriation and transformation of commercial advertisements, logos, and media messages to […]